Become an end fgm activist  – 3 proven steps

Become an end fgm activist  – 3 proven steps

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In this article, we will outline three proven steps to become an end FGM activist, which will help you make a difference and join the global movement to end FGM.

After your initial experience with Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), you may have been left feeling angry and frustrated due to the widespread nature of the practice. However, you may also be wondering how you can contribute to putting an end to this blatant violation of sexual rights and human rights. In other words, you might be asking yourself how you can become an FGM activist and help eradicate the practice altogether.

You Becoming an end FGM activist is a great way to contribute to the fight against this harmful practice. 

Understanding what FGM is is crucial for you to become an end FGM activist.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a violation of human rights and a form of violence against women and girls. It is estimated that over 200 million women and girls alive today have undergone FGM, and 4.1 million are at risk every year. Despite global efforts to end the practice, it remains prevalent in many countries, particularly in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

 become an end FGM activist - country FGM prevalence
Click the image to see an interactive prevalence map on

What to do to become an end FGM activist
Step 1: Educate Yourself About FGM

The first step to becoming an end FGM activist is to educate yourself about the practice. FGM is a complex issue, and understanding its cultural, social, and health implications is crucial to effectively advocate for its elimination. 

Check out masterclasses on the Global Media Campaign Website

 become an end FGM activist - Global Media Campaign Masterclasses

There are many other resources available online, including The end FGM Podcast reports, articles, and videos, that provide in-depth information about FGM. You can also join online communities and forums dedicated to ending FGM, where To become an end FGM activist, you can start by reading about FGM and its impact on women and girls.

What to do to become an end FGM activist
Step 2: Join a Campaign or Organization

The second step to becoming an end FGM activist is to join a campaign or organization working to end FGM. There are many campaigns and organizations focused on ending FGM globally and locally. Joining one of these groups will give you the opportunity to work with like-minded activists and contribute to the campaign against FGM.

When choosing a campaign or organization, consider your interests, skills, and availability.

Some groups may focus on advocacy and awareness-raising, while others may be more involved in providing support to survivors of FGM or lobbying for legal reform. The Frontline Ending FGM provides support for local action if you are thrilled by frontline action when you become an end FGM activist.  Look for a group that aligns with your values and goals and offers opportunities for you to contribute in a meaningful way.

Some examples of campaigns and organizations focused on ending FGM

  • The Global Media Campaign, which trains and funds frontline grassroots campaigners and local journalists to end FGM from the grassroots is a great starting point for you to start to become an end FGM activist. They back the #FrontlineEndingFGM together with Wallace Global Fund and the UNFPA and are easy to work with.
  • The Girl Generation: often referred to as the African-Led Movement and made up of a consortium of different actors including AMREF, The Orchid Project among others. There have a bank of resources to support you to become an end FGM activist.
  • Orchid Project: A UK-based organization, now in Kenya – focused on ending FGM through advocacy, research, and partnerships.
  • Equality Now: A global organisation working to promote gender equality and end violence against women and girls, including FGM.

What to do to become an end FGM activist
Step 3: Take Action and Make a Difference

The final step to becoming an end FGM activist is to take action and make a difference, now you can truly become an end FGM activist.

There are many ways you can get involved and contribute to the fight against FGM. Here are some ideas to get you started

Do it on radio, TV, in parliament or under a tree.

You can organise an event in your community to raise awareness about FGM and its harmful effects. This can include a workshop, a film screening, or a panel discussion featuring experts and survivors. There are masterclasses on how to start with beginner tutorials on the Global Media Campaign website.

  • Lobby for legal reform: You can advocate for legal reform in your country to criminalize FGM and ensure that survivors have access to justice and support services. You can learn some facts from 28 Too Many’s Website.
  • Support survivors: You can support survivors of FGM. There are End FGM Champions like Sadia Hussein (@sadearH on Twitter) and Dr. Leyla Husein that you can reach out to, or listen to online to get a grip on how to support survivors. 
  • Fundraise: You can fundraise for organisations working to end FGM by organising a sponsored event. Check out some fundraisers on Global giving and other fundraising platforms to see how it is done. Also feel free to write to active organisations asking to support their work.

Conclusion to becoming an End FGM campaigner

FGM is a deeply harmful and unjust practice that violates the human rights of girls and women around the world. It is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address.

Becoming an end FGM activist is one way to contribute to the global movement to end FGM.

By educating yourself, joining a campaign or organisation, and taking action, you can help to raise awareness, support survivors, advocate for policy change, fundraise for FGM programs, and use your voice to speak out against FGM.

Together, we can work towards achieving a world without FGM, where all girls and women are able to live free from harm and enjoy their fundamental human rights.


Jeremiah Kipainoi is a Communication for Development expert that makes films, transcriptions, podcasts, online strategies, and radio content to end Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Kenya, Somalia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Guinea Bisau, Mali, The Gambia, Senegal, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Liberia, and tackles climate change through resilience building, and championing for community-led development.